This is a FICO® Score version customized for auto lending. Many banks, auto dealers and other lenders use this version when pulling your credit report based on Experian® data.
This is an older FICO® Score version used primarily in mortgage lending. It may also be used by some lenders for other credit product application evaluations, such as credit cards, personal loans, retail credit, student loans and more.
FICO® Score 3 is a base version of the FICO® Score used in credit card lending. FICO® Bankcard Score 2 and FICO® Bankcard Score 8 versions are customized on bankcards.
This is the most widely used version of the FICO® Score by the major credit bureaus. FICO® Score 8 uses data from all three of the major credit reporting agencies: TransUnion®, Experian® and Equifax®.
Screens may be modified for demonstration purposes and subject to change.
Stay on top of your FICO® Scores and actively monitor for changes in your credit report with the benefit of identity theft protection.